Planned Giving

Macalester Plymouth United Church received three bequests in 2020. The gifts were from long-time members Joe Peacock, John Schue, and Gordon Meeker. These three gifts are already helping us respond to the needs of our church community, and we are so grateful for these members, their generosity, and faithfulness.

Gordon Meeker was a life-long member of MPUC, a regular in worship, an active participant in the men's breakfast group, and a leader of the church's Boy Scout troop. His bequest of $35,000 is being put to good use caring for the building. So far, $20,000 has been dedicated to renovating the Plymouth Room.

Joe Peacock was an ordained minister serving most of his life as a campus minister. He was a tireless advocate for peace and justice and an activist in the Civil Rights movement. His bequest of $20,807 is first helping to underwrite the Racial justice Stewards program over the next year, which will deepen our commitment to antiracism work in the church.

John Schue was a professor of math at Macalester College and one of the key leaders at Plymouth Congregational Church when it merged with Macalester Presbyterian Church in 1968. He and his wife Barbara helped integrate the two congregations and serve and care for the church in many ways. John's bequest of $50,000 was designated to reduce the balance of the church's mortgage.

These are examples of what's called planned giving or leaving a legacy, as a faithful member puts the church's community in their will or estate plan. A gift like this helps ensure that we remain a healthy community years into the future, but it is also a wonderful form of discipleship that can bring a sense of fulfillment in our personal journeys of faith.

There are many different ways to make a legacy gift, and the Mac-Plymouth Finance Committee is gathering information to share with the congregation. If you have already included MPUC in your will, or if you would like to talk to someone about some options or ideas you might have, please contact Don McCall at 651-398-6550,, or Lee Schafer at 612-812-0242, No specific details are needed at this time regarding a gift you might have already planned.

In addition, the UCC Foundation and the Presbyterian Foundation have excellent materials on planned giving options. Use this link for the Presbyterian Foundation materials, additional information on wills and legacy, and this link for the UCC materials.

Thank you so much for considering making a planned gift to Macalester Plymouth United Church.