Sanctuary Audio/Video Team

Committee Mission: The A/V committee is responsible for planning and implementing the audio and video capabilities of the Church, specifically the services in the Sanctuary. 

There are 2 aspects of the team:

  1. Planning Committee

    • Plan for future improvements to the A/V systems in the sanctuary to accommodate live streaming, recording, and enhancing the in-person experience.

    • Budget improvements, request funds, schedule and/or contract construction and installation of new equipment.

    • Provide support to staff and other users of the sanctuary.

    • Manage (recruit and train) the volunteers for the audio and video team who will run the systems along with the paid video director.

  1. Service Volunteer Team

    • Run the Sanctuary sound system for services. We have a user-friendly sound mixer for in-person services in the sanctuary.  Volunteers are needed for weekly services, as well as special events (weddings, funerals, concerts, …)

    • Assist the Video Director in producing the live stream feed or recordings for our services. Again, volunteers are needed for weekly services and special events.

Committee Member Role: Described above. Be a part of the planning committee or the A/V team as an audio or video volunteer.

Amount of Time Committed:

The planning committee meets irregularly based on requests for enhancements or changes.  Around twice a year, more often when working on an improvement project.

The audio and video volunteers are needed for Sunday services, once every 5 weeks, typically ½ hour before the service to ½ hour after (around a 2 hours commitment.)

Average Number of Committee Members: 

On the planning committee we have about 5, but if you have an interest and/or experience in audio or video production, we would welcome more to the join the committee. 

For volunteers, we currently have 5 audio system volunteers, we could use as many as are interested. If we were able to have 5-10 trained volunteers for both the audio and video positions that would mean there are subs available when necessary.

Interested in joining or learning more? Please email