The Deacons

Our congregation is self-governing. Anyone can serve. Anyone can lead. We have the freedom to create programs and activities, serve the wider community and use resources in ways that make a difference. Together, we discern God’s call and live out our faith.

The Deacons are responsible for leading the congregation’s care of its members.  Often this effort focuses on our elder members, many of whom are homebound or face other challenges.  However, Deacons facilitate the care of the whole congregation and have systems to respond to the needs of all ages.  If you would like to learn more about the Deacons or any of its ministries, please send an email to:

2024-25 Deacons

Deb Mackay and Sherryl Livingston: Co-Presidents

Mike Vento: Secretary, Rides to Church

Jon Despotes-Tourdot: Treasurer, Easter Flowers, Care Packages for Students

Abby Lancaster: Act Now, Communications

Charlie Kurtz: Rides to Church, Care Contacts

Connie Lindberg: Nominating Committee, Prayer Chain

Deb Mackay: Grants & Awards

Kathleen Vellenga: Episcopal Homes Ministry, Card Ministry, Communications

Laurie Kemp: Act Now, Card Ministry, Care Packages for Students, Memorial Receptions

Monnie Anderson: Care Contacts

Pam Nelson: Grants & Awards, Rides to Church

Penny Heubach: Memorial Receptions, Easter Flowers

Sherryl Livingston: Prayer Chain