Adult Faith Formation (AFF)
Committee Mission: The mission of the Adult Faith Formation Committee is to provide programming for congregation members that helps us explore vital questions about our faith and grow in faith as a community of believers. The committee works with the Senior Minister to conceive, organize and present group programs, as well as social media communications, around speakers, book discussions, movies, educational classes, new resources, etc. We strive to create a range of programs that may appeal to a broad cross-section of our congregation.
Committee Member Role:
Attend a monthly meeting
Help organize and plan programs presented by the AFF for the congregation
Attend programs presented by the AFF for the congregation
Occasionally moderate programs
Take part in email discussions regarding planning, etc.
Amount of Time Committed: 3-5 hours per month
Typical Meeting Schedule: Tuesdays at 6:30 p.m.
Average Number of Committee Members: 4-5 people
Interested in joining or learning more? Please email