“Do Justice, love kindness, and walk humbly with God.” —Micah 6:8
Do Justice.
We Strive to Be Antiracist
We grieve the historic and current harm in our world caused by racism and white supremacy. Led by our trained group of Racial Justice Stewards, we are engaged in a year of discernment through study, testimony relationship building and community engagement about what it means to embody equity and become an antiracist church.
We Welcome All
Since 1995, we have proudly proclaimed God’s radically inclusive love for all people—all genders, all sexual orientations—no exceptions. We are a More Light (PCUSA) and Open and Affirming (UCC) congregation.
We Feed the Hungry
Many people struggle every day to feed themselves and their families. Through partnerships with the Hallie Q. Brown Community Center, Loaves and Fishes and Interfaith Action’s Department of Indian Work, we feed our neighbors and advocate for an end to hunger.
We Protect the Earth
Led by our Creation Justice Committee, we are working to reduce our church’s carbon footprint, educating the congregation about environmental stewardship and working for political solutions for the climate crisis. In 2022, we installed a solar array on our roof.
We Welcome Immigrants and Refugees
With a long history of accompanying immigrants and refugees, we became a Sanctuary Church in 2017. Led by the Immigrant Welcoming Team, we support new Minnesotans by providing temporary housing, food and other forms of immediate assistance as they transition towards independence.
We Are Peacemakers
God’s peace (shalom) is the wholeness and community in which human beings are meant to live. God’s peace heals, confronts, strengthens, and frees. In 1985, the congregation committed itself to peacemaking as a Just Peace church. Our peace pole stands in our yard as a reminder of that commitment. It says, “May Peace Prevail on Earth” in 8 languages including the Dakohta language.