Children, Youth, & Families
At Macalester Plymouth United Church, we are an intergenerational community committed to growing in our spiritual journeys and faith formation. Our church is a sacred space where all can experience the love of God. Our children, youth, and families programs invite our young members into a fun and nourishing environment to experience progressive Christian community and the diversity and richness of the Christian faith. May our young members always know they are beloved children of God and that they belong in the household of God.
Sunday Mornings
Family and Faith Formation — that is why we are here and that is our mission. As we help guide our children through their journey in Christianity, we encourage our families with younger children to join (if they can) one of the age appropriate groups below on Sunday. And if they aren’t “feeling it” this Sunday, not to worry. As parents, we understand it takes time to feel comfortable in new surroundings. Take your time!
Infants, Toddlers, and Preschoolers
Compassionate childcare is provided by our professional Childcare Provider and volunteer youth for our “littles” in the Garden Room.
For families who prefer to stay together during worship, we have two PrayGround stations, with soft toys and a table for coloring. Kids Activity Bags are available in the narthex.
Kindergarten through Second Grade
Kids Connection is our version of “Sunday School” where the kindergarteners through second graders will gather for a time and participate in fun activities that may include learning about Christianity through music, prayer, Bible stories, and other fun activities. Kids will have the opportunity to deepen their relationship with God/Jesus/Spirit and one another, speak openly from their hearts, and have fun with crafts and games! On most Sundays, we begin in the worship service with our families and then head out to Kids Connection after the Children’s Moment.
However, on the first Sunday of the month, kids remain in church for the entire worship service to experience the rhythms of community worship and share in Communion. They may enjoy the Kids Activity Bags found in the narthex.
As our middle schoolers and high schoolers mature towards adulthood we encourage them to join and participate in our Sunday morning worship with the rest of our congregation.
Faith Formation
Outside of Sunday Mornings
Youth Ministry for Sixth through Twelfth Graders
Macalester Plymouth United Church invites our youth to experience a community of belonging and spiritual grounding as we mine the richness and diversity of our progressive Christian faith tradition. We walk with and accompany our youth on their faith journeys through discussion, experiential learning, mentoring relationships, and prayer. We support one another as we experience, grow in, and share God’s love. All are truly welcome!
Our mid-high schoolers (sixth through eighth) and high schoolers (ninth through twelfth) meet at separate times on Sunday evenings.
Youth ministry also includes retreats, mission trips, service projects, and classes including Confirmation and Our Whole Lives (OWL).
FOR MORE INFORMATION, contact Rev. Cynthia Riggin, Minister of Congregational Life.
Family Activities
Throughout the year the Faith Formation Committee will be hosting activities where we can gather as an intergenerational community to build and strengthen our relationships with each other as well as with God. Activities vary but may include pizza parties, potlucks, and other enriching events. Please see the bulletin for upcoming events.