Frequently Asked Questions
There are three ways to stay up to date on MPUC news and events:
1. Visit www.macalester-plymouth.org and scroll down on the homepage. You’ll see sections titled “What’s Happening Here and Now” and “News and Views.”
2. Subscribe to the MPUC weekly email newsletter, the Here and Now
3. Read the weekly announcements that are distributed with worship bulletins for the Sunday worship services at 10 am.
If receiving email, accessing the website, or attending in-person services are not possible for you, arrangements can be made to mail weekly communications to you. Please contact the church office to inquire. The phone number is 651-698-8871.
There are two ways to subscribe to the Here and Now:
Visit https://www.macalester-plymouth.org/contact-us and follow the instructions. You have the option to sign-up via text or by completing the online form. You will then receive an email to confirm your subscription. If you do not follow the prompts to confirm your email you will not be subscribed.
First, check your promotions, junk, or spam folders to make sure emails from MPUC are not being filtered out of your primary inbox. If you discover they are not being filtered by your email system, please email Ginger Schneider at office@macalester-plymouth.org and let her know. She will confirm the email address we have on file is correct.
Please note, if our email provider received a bounceback from your email address, whether from a full inbox or an out of office reply, it may lead to your address being flagged. This is not common and is easy to fix so reach out if you need help!
To unsubscribe from the Here & Now, scroll to the very bottom of the email, click on unsubscribe, and follow the prompts.
Articles must be submitted on or before the end of the day on Sunday, two weeks (11 days) before the date it is to be published (on Thursday). Articles should be emailed to: 4publication@macalester-plymouth.org
Submissions should be 150 words or less and should include clear updates, requests, or details. While explanations and narrative can be important, keep in mind our weekly email is typically very robust in terms of content. You want your submission to be clear and easy to read in order to catch and hold the reader's attention. Articles of a more informative nature are best shared on the church’s website with a preview or short blurb linking to the website in the Here and Now.
Website submissions should be emailed to Rev. Adam Blons, revadamblons@gmail.com.
Please allow three to four business days for updates to be completed.
Announcements must be submitted on or before the end of the day on Sunday, two weeks before the date it is to be published (on Sunday). Announcements should be 50 words or less and emailed to: 4publication@macalester-plymouth.org
If you have church news or events you would like to publicize in the wider community, please reach out to Adam Blons and Meegan Hall at least one month in advance of the event. They will work with you to determine the best ways to publicize your news or event.
Adam and Cynthia look over the list of upcoming events and decide what to announce each week. Often there are too many things to announce, which is why it is important to get things into the Weekly Announcements insert in the bulletin, the Here and Now and on our Website. Contact Adam and Cynthia in advance of Sunday if you would like an announcement made. They will try to accommodate you as best as they can.
When a congregation member makes an announcement, we call this a Moment for Mission and Ministry. Contact Rev. Adam Blons or Rev. Cynthia Riggin about scheduling this.
Search Facebook for “Macalester Plymouth United Church - Closed Group.”. Click on “Join group” to submit your request to join. Your request will then be accepted by one of the group admins. New member requests are typically processed within a few days. Please note that you must have an active Facebook account to join the group.
Church Meetings and Activities
There is a calendar of church activities and meetings on our website at: https://www.macalester-plymouth.org/church-calendar.
Once all reservation details are confirmed with the church office, the meeting or activity will be published on the calendar and appear on the website.
Call 651-698-8871 or email office@macalester-plymouth.org to make your request. Make sure you are ready with:
How many people expected
Will this be a Zoom event?
Set up needed
Once Ginger is able to check the church calendar and confirm the information, the
meeting/activity will be added to the church calendar that is on the website.
Call 651-698-8871 or email office@macalester-plymouth.org to make your request. Once a Zoom link is set up, an invitation will be sent out to the requester to be shared with the group.
Call 651-698-8871 or email office@macalester-plymouth.org to make your request. Once a Zoom link is set up, an invitation will be sent out to the requester to be shared with the group. A link to a technology request form will also be sent so the equipment needed is available. Someone from your group can be trained to set up the equipment.