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Futures Lab

The MPUC Create Our Future Vision Team is excited to invite you to join in an important event  that is a part of our strategic planning process.

Called the "Futures Lab," we’ll gather on Sunday, February 4 from 10am to 2pm.  The four-hour lab will include and take the place of a church service, and we are also inviting members of the community to join us in addition to our own members.

Our time together will give us an opportunity to explore different futures for our congregation by looking at what we are doing now, and imagining what we can do in the future as the spiritual and justice-filled congregation that we are.

The process, led by our consultant, Reverend Cameron Trimble, is a process useful in breaking through blindspots and helping us imagine a different future. This practice is based on a field of study called “Futures Literacy” and grants us the chance to see new possibilities for our church, our community, and our own lives.     

There will be childcare and a box lunch provided so please fill out this form to ensure we have enough food for all.

We are very excited to share this imagination filled time together!

January 28

Annual Meeting

February 11

Mardi Gras Jazz Sunday