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Neighbors in Need/Peace Special Offering

On Sunday, October 1, we will collect the denominational offering for Peace and Global Witness (PCUSA) and Neighbors in Need (UCC). As usual, half will go to each denomination. We all know that the calls for help of all sorts have grown, along with the stresses and side effects of the pandemic. This offering gives some ways our donations can assist with needed, ongoing work, even from afar. 

In 2023, the UCC's Neighbors in Need “BEHOLD!” theme continues. This year’s focus is on environmental justice. Actions involve improving our care of the environment through various projects, including better stewardship of our planet through projects that both prevent and clean up toxic pollution--especially in lower-income areas of cities.

One-third of the offering supports the Council for American Indian Ministry (CAIM). Two-thirds are used by Justice and Witness Ministries to provide grants to UCC churches and organizations as well as support a variety of justice initiatives, advocacy efforts, and direct service projects.

The PCUSA portion promotes the peace of Christ by addressing systems of injustice in our own communities and across the world. It also returns 25% of its half of the offering to our congregation and 25% to our regional Council, to support local and regional peacemaking work.

This Offering is unique in that half of it is directed to peacemaking and global witness efforts at the national church level to address critical issues around the world. Twenty-five percent is retained by our local congregations for regional peace and reconciliation work, and 25% goes to mid-level councils for similar ministries on the regional level.

Although Sunday, October 1, is the date we will acknowledge and bless this offering, we welcome early donations, anytime. You can donate online by choosing –Neighbors in Need /and Peace and Global Witness –Offering in the menu on the Give page of the church’s website or by sending a check with that notation in the subject line. 

September 27

Senior Connections

October 1

Creation Season Forum: Saving Bees