Please join us May 4 and/or June 15, from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm each day, for the spring workdays this year. Both days are Saturdays. We have chosen two days instead of one with the hope that volunteers that are not available on one day will be available on the other. You are not obligated to be there for the full three hours. Work will be done that helps the church building and grounds function properly. There are both outdoor and indoor tasks that need to be taken care of.
Outdoor tasks
Garden cleanup
Gutter cleaning
Brush/branch cutting
Setting garden bed edging
and more!
Indoor tasks
Clean windows and screens
Clean closets
Deep clean social hall/crossroads/staircases
Kitchen clean
Weather seal evaluation and replacement
Please consider coming to enjoy the camaraderie and sense of common purpose. And to get work done! Coffee and refreshments will be provided.