The View from Here
by Rev. Cynthia Riggin, Minister of Congregational Life
“What are you carrying?” “What are you bringing into this space?” Over the past week, the various meetings and gatherings I’ve participated in, have started with these questions. An intentional pause to acknowledge, give voice to “all the feels” as we process and navigate the devastating and disorientating presidential election results. Co-creating gentle, sacred space to see and hear each other into peace and healing. Aware that we show up in our bodies. Our bodies that have experienced a collective trauma. Every “ism” we have is about the body. For example, racism is a distorted relationship with our raced body. Classism with its erroneous claims that some bodies are worth more than others. Yet as people of faith we know our beloved bodies are created with inherent dignity and worth.
I write this article a week after the election results. My body awoke this morning carrying both weariness and resolve. Carrying such gratitude for our MPUC progressive Christian community. Aware of a tenacious clarity about who we are to be in such a time as this. As followers of Jesus, we will continue to be a people who comfort the lonely, stop the violence, feed the hungry, house the homeless, build resilience and re-weave our safety nets. And we will continue to come alongside each other with gentleness, compassion, and peace as we tend to the nourishment of our bodies. With gratefulness for being in it with all of you!
Artist: @ve_kiss_klech