The View from Here

By Rev. Adam Blons, Lead Minister

Grounded in our faith, MPUC affirms antiracism as an essential Christian commitment and pledges to actively confront white supremacy in culture and systems, dismantle racism and embody equity within ourselves, our ministries and through our witness in the wider community.

-Approved by the congregation May 7, 2023

We read the following litany in worship during our year of discernment leading up to the vote on our antiracism commitment. We will be reflecting on it in worship again this Sunday. What stands out to you now? What new learning has changed your understanding? What would you change or improve? Where are we a year later?

"We are called:

To show up and speak the truth of our experience and listen to the experience of others.

To welcome the joy and discomfort that comes with learning and growth.

To embrace antiracist actions, not just ideas.

To use our privilege and resources to further this work in our community.

To allow the Spirit to clarify our understanding and give us strength to stand with others for racial justice. 

We acknowledge:

That all people have the capacity to be both racist and antiracist, and that it takes reflection and hard work to live into antiracism.

That a culture of white supremacy has harmed us individually, our church, community, country, and the world.

That this work is both interpersonal and structural; both individual and collective.

That Jesus models a prophetic and honest power analysis, through which we are moved to embrace a more just relationship with power.

We promise:

To center the experiences of people who are Black, Indigenous, and People of Color.

To hold one another accountable to this work.

To embody equity through all our work as a church.

To live into God’s promise and that through repentance, repair, grace and love our community might one day be whole, healed and just."

May it be so!


The View from Here


The View From Here