MSJ Distributes $35,000 in 2024
During 2024, the Mission and Social Justice Committee (MSJ) was privileged to make contributions totaling more than $35,000 to a variety of organizations and programs. We did this on behalf of, and thanks to the generosity of, this congregation. These funds came from MSJ’s general budget, designated donations, and special offerings.
These funds were distributed to the following:
Feeding the Hungry
$1000 to Dept. of Indian Work Food Shelf (Interfaith Action)
$1325 to Hallie Q. Brown
$1150 to Loaves and Fishes
Sheltering the Homeless
$2000 to Habitat for Humanity
$1000 to Urban Homeworks
Accompanying Refugees and Immigrants
$4155 to our Immigrant Welcoming Committee
$2770 to Immigrant Youth Fund
$1576 to Doctors Without Borders
$2988 to Jonathan House
$1802 to United Palestinian Appeal
Ecumenical and Interfaith Partnerships
$1750 to ISAIAH
$100 to Presbyterian Peace Fellowship
Global Mission Partners
$2000 to Tyler Holm and his family, who serve in Malawi
Racial and Indigenous Justice, in conjunction with this subcommittee
$1468 for forum honoraria and snacks, as well as books for the library
$2000 to Dept. of Indian Work Food Shelf (Interfaith Action)
$500 to Hallie Q Brown food shelf
$1000 to Mendota Mdewakanton Dakota Tribal Community
$1000 to National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition
Creation Justice
$2166 to Interfaith Power and Light
Denominations (from special offerings)
$1501 to the Presbyterians
$1774 to the United Church of Christ
In addition to contributions to organizations we’ve supported for many years, we responded to urgent current needs as they emerged. This included funds to organizations responding to the crisis in Gaza ─ United Palestinian Appeal and Doctors Without Borders.
Thank you letters from some organizations highlight the importance of their work.
A thank you letter from Hallie Q. Brown for our donations to their food shelf. HQB is a long-standing recipient and an important resource for the St. Paul community.
A Christmas card and thank you from Tyler and Rochelle Holm, our mission partners in Malawi, for our continued support. Tyler teaches theology at the University of Livingstonia, where students will be ordained as teaching elders and future leaders of the church and Malawian society. Rochelle’s work centers on the global sanitation crisis, through research on sanitation samples as a way of tracking community health.
A thank you letter from United Palestinian Appeal. Our donation helps marginalized Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and refugee camps in Lebanon and Jordan to meet their health, education, and economic needs. Examples of their work this year: distributing shelf-stable and fresh food, sleeping bags, and clothing to Gaza; visiting shelters to bring medicine and provide trauma care; and expanded work in Lebanon to bring medication and assist a trauma center and burn unit.
A thank you letter from Urban Homeworks, which each year provides dignified, stable homes for nearly 500 community members.
A thank you letter from Interfaith Action for our donations to their Department of Indian Work food shelf. Their direct service benefits 3,000 low-income East Metro community members each year by providing emergency shelter, job training, housing assistance, and food. They engage with local houses of worship to provide more than 6,000 volunteer hours annually — like ours via the Faithful Hospitality program.