The View From Here

By Rev. Adam Blons, Lead Minister

What's on your summer reading list?

I am listening to How to Know a Person by David Brooks while I walk the dogs. I am also going to reread portions of Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer in anticipation of next September's Creation Season. I am tempted to check out Micheal Crichton's new page turner Eruption, which is about a tragic eruption of Kilauea on the island of Hawaii. Its release happens to coincide with a very real eruption there a few weeks ago.  

The United Church of Christ's Join the Movement for Racial Justice suggested all UCC congregations read two books this year: Black Liturgies by Cole Arthur Riley and Sacred Self-Care by Dr. Chanequa Walker-Barnes. Both are devotional books with short daily readings to ground and deepen your spiritual journey. From their announcement:

"We know that 2024 is an election year and we can’t help but feel the weight of the conversations and choices that await us. Perhaps you too, are witnessing the ways this moment is moving some people to embrace divisive rhetoric and threatening language and behaviors toward our siblings nationally and globally. Maybe you are noticing in your body how this is all happening in the midst of multiple devastating global crises. We know we can only stay on the journey toward racial justice, healing, and building a just world for all if we understand how to care for our whole selves and nurture our souls. So this year, Join the Movement and Racial Justice Ministries are inviting all of us to deepen our capacities and commitments to healing, wholeness and care through our 2024 All Church Read."

Please let Cynthia or I know if you are interested in these books. We are wondering about using them this fall, but they might be just what you need this summer. And let me know what's on your summer reading lists.  


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