Stewardship Season Begins October 13, 2024

by Lynn Douma, Vice Treasurer

Stewardship season is beginning this Sunday, October 13. This year we are invited to “Imagine Together” what our church community will become over the next few years. The Create Our Future strategic planning committee has been working hard for the last year and will soon present their final draft plan to the Session with the goal of the congregation approving the plan at the Annual Meeting in January. This plan will encourage us to imagine new ways of doing ministry together, within the congregation and among the broader community.

One of the reasons for the planning process was the developing financial challenge facing the church. Our 2024 budget planned for a deficit of nearly $100,000, with the intent of moving into a more financially sustainable path starting in 2026 through implementation of strategies in the Create Our Future plan. As a result of the congregation’s generosity and thoughtful spending, we anticipate the 2024 deficit being much lower than expected, and this deficit will be covered by funds in reserve. To fully support the transition to a more sustainable future, the Finance Committee has set a goal of a 3% increase in pledges. This goal is something we can achieve together!

In the coming weeks leading up to Pledge Sunday on November 17, MPUC members will be sharing ways they see God changing lives through our church. We encourage you to reflect on what you know and love about MPUC, and at the same time imagine the possibilities for our shared life together into the future. Our faith and commitment will bring that future into reality.


The View From Here


Meet Our New Music Enrichment Steward!