Surprising Hospitality at MPUC

Surprising Hospitality at MPUC

As we enter our Surprising Hospitality Campaign, we are asking all of our members to join us in becoming an even more welcoming community.

For many of you, this may mean being more open and welcoming from your pew. For others, it may mean being a member of our Hospitality Team. We know that we need to extend our hospitality more broadly and deeply in order for MPUC to grow and thrive.

Please check out the description of roles you can take on as a member of the Hospitality Team posted on the website. Joining the Hospitality Team does not

mean a big time commitment. Volunteers will be scheduled regularly, and you will be able to choose times when it is convenient for you to commit to a task.

Beginning Sunday, August 27, we will be actively encouraging you to join the Hospitality Team by volunteering for one of these roles through SignUp Genius. You can do this from your own device or stop by the station in the Social Hall, where someone from the Hospitality Team will be there to assist you after worship.

Please remember that Surprising Hospitality involves all of us!


The View from Here


Revenue Task Force Report