The View from Here

by Rev. Cynthia Riggin, Minister of Congregational Life

Church, we have done this work before. This work of together, creating our future. The deep dive, discernment, following the leading of our ever-faithful Holy Spirit. And the fruits of our discernment and labor continue to enliven us to more fully live out our mission “To grow in love of God and neighbor.” 

Church, over the years we have listened to Spirit’s nudging and to each other as we merged churches with Merriam-Lexington Presbyterian Church to become Macalester Plymouth United Church. We have rooted ourselves in our justice commitments becoming Open and Affirming/More Light, Just Peace, Earth Care/Creation Justice, and more recently our discernment and action of being actively Antiracist and our Land Acknowledgement Statement. Strengthening and growing our spiritual muscles of paying attention to what emerges. Taking that next revealed step, and then the next and the next. For we make the road by walking. 

Yet church, we are also learning in this season of discernment, of creating our life-giving and vibrant future together, as Adam so eloquently and succinctly proclaimed, “The underlying assumption in our discernment is that financially and energetically, we are stretched thin and doing too much. We need to focus, doing a little more of some things and less of others. God is inviting us to change.” 

Even as I type that sentence, I feel my body relax, my shoulders drop lower, a deep exhale grounding me in God’s deep well of love and light. How about you as you read that invitation? An invitation to let go and do less, while focusing our attention and energy. Wow. Can you imagine this church? An invitation to lean into Creator's abiding presence who accompanies us always and desires for us to experience more love, peace, liberation, authenticity and gratitude.

I know the uncertainty, the challenge of it, may leave us feeling a bit anxious. I hear you. Yet, we do not do this work alone. Thankfully, we’ve got each other, and our God has got us. For church, we were made for such a time as this. 


The View from Here


The View from Here