There are many ongoing groups working to support our ministries of compassion, fellowship, learning, worship, and justice. These teams and groups are open to anyone joining at any time. Please email MPUCengage@gmail.com if you are interested in talking to someone about one of these groups and when they next meet. Click on the names below to learn more about what they do. Our two elected leadership teams, the Session and the Board of Deacons are listed on the Lead page.
Congregational Fellowship — sponsors a number of activities and events each year that promote connection and fellowship
Mission and Social Justice — organizes the congregation to meet basic needs and address social justice in the wider community
Sanctuary Leadership Team — supports and leads our work as a Sanctuary Church, supporting immigrants and working towards immigrant justice
Sanctuary Arts Team — creates and installs art and decorations in the sanctuary for liturgical seasons
Sanctuary Audio/Visual Team — responsible for planning and implementing the audio and video capabilities of the Church, specifically the services in the Sanctuary.
Creation Justice Committee — integrates active care and stewardship of God's creation into the spiritual life and social justice work of the church and everyday lives of its members
Music Committee Coming Soon!
Worship Committee — encourage and facilitate a welcoming and meaningful worship experiences for worship participants
Adult Faith Formation — provide programming for congregation members that helps us explore vital questions about our faith and grow in faith as a community of life long learners.
Children Faith Formation Coming Soon!
Youth Faith Formation — plan faith formation and fellowship experiences for youth (grades 6 through 12)
Finance and Stewardship — support the mission of the church by overseeing all financial functions
Stewardship Team — plan and lead the annual financial stewardship campaign
Personnel Committee — establish and maintain personnel and staff policies, planning and support to further the church’s mission
Operations Coming Soon!
Other Groups and Programs:
Choirs (Adult and Children)
Our Whole Lives